Devil's Corpse
( Mixed Drink Packaging )

Develop an attractive design for a devilish product with an intoxicating appeal. Devil's Corpse was a brand of vodka in need of a red carpet roll out. The only thing that this company had was a name along with three variations of vodka flavors.
How do you create a charismatic packaging for a brand that could be received as diabolical at the very least? Is it possible to create an all inclusive identity, for a company with a name that can quite frankly strike fear and dissension within its name alone? I believed that the answer was an emphatic yes to both of those questions! My approach was to create a classy motif along with a tagline that let people know that they don't have to adapt any spiritual beliefs in order to be associated with this brand.
My proposition was to invite consumers with a clever tagline along side advertising that felt immensely comedic. It's no secret that the Devil evokes direct correlation to hades. With that being said, I crafted a tagline and concept that would indicate to prospective consumers that " They don't have to visit, to get it. " Whimsical, mischievous, and mysterious were three words that I used to position this brand.
My role:
Art direction
Graphic Designer
Type Setting
Copy writing
Logo design