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Spider kid
( Movie poster & Photo Shoot )

Guy dressed like Spiderman. Choas. Exposion. End of the world.
Guy dressed like Spider man.
Man dressed like Spiderman.
Guy dressed like Spiderman.
Guy dressed like Spiderman.
Guy dressed like Spiderman.
Guy dressed like Spiderman. Crouching.
Man dressed like Spiderman
Guy dressed like Spiderman.

String together a movie poster capable of hanging with the best! For this school project, I decided to pay homage to one of my favorite web slinging heroes.  Intrigue, anticipation, and attraction are key words that should be attached to any provoking movie poster. 

It was fun to test my eye and vision as a photographer! Thanks to a willing model and a vivid imagination, I created a poster that encompassed all three of the aforementioned words.

My role:
Art direction
Graphic Designer
Type Setting 
Copy writing 
Logo design

Model: Connor King 


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